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Self-Publishing Journey: So Far...

So much has been happening on my self-publishing journey!

I'm taking a moment to take step to the side and pat myself on the back, to celebrate how far I've actually come. I would'e never believed you if you came up to me a few years ago and told me I'd be dong this - any of this.

Each time I've done something new (like finding a book cover designer and choosing who to print with) I've been caught in both feeling excited & scared - but I think it's the perfect blend!

It's what all the best moments and adventures are made of. If you let yourself be fearful of that feeling, then you'll live the rest of your life wondering 'what if' & 'why'. And you'll never know if you never try. [I didn't mean for that to rhyme it just came out that way, but it's still the truth]

I'm taking every moment as it comes and am trying to enjoy it all. It's stressful & there is a lot to organise and think about, but it's such a great feeling to tick things my To Do List.

So far;

- I've done the internal layout

- I own my own ISBN's & a barcode (who knew I would ever be so happy & proud about owning those) #goodtimes

-My blurb is prepared (after many, many redrafts & countless inner taunts that it won't ever be good enough or ready) But it's done! & I'm so happy/relieved.

- BIG NEWS: I officially have a book cover!!! Which will be revealed soon... #stayposted (I'm so in love with it & can't imagine my book any other way)

There are still a few things I have to do regarding the book (like printing, etc.) & organising a book launch (which may be the most daunting part of this all).

But something so magical & inspiring, is knowing that it's all in my grasp.

I've worked so hard to get where I am now, to turn back or give up with be a fools errand.

I am self publishing my book this year! And it won't be long till I'm clutching it in my hands & cuddling it my arms.

#icandothis 📚 🚀 📝 💻


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