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Thinking About You.

Thinking About You.

I know it’s been a while but I’ve been thinking of you lately

Wondering how your life’s played out, is it treating you fairly?

We’ll probably never see each other again

But if we did I’ve got a list of questions

Did you ever climb that mountain?

Climb so high you touched the clouds?

Have you gotten over your fear of evil looking clowns?

Did you get a dog and call it Catcher after that pitch?

Did you ever re-meet the best friend of your very first kiss?

Have you run that marathon?

Have you found your perfect fit?

What have you done on your wish list?

I know it’s been a while but I’ve been thinking about you

Wondering about your life, what you’ve been up to

Have you fought your battles?

Have you won your wars?

Have you been lost but still know loves worth fighting for?

Have you broken down?

Broken any more bones?

Have you skydived and screamed aloud that you were born to soar?

Did you dance under stars met with a spontaneous kiss?

Have you touched your soul?

Seen light through mist?

Have you done all the things on your wish list?

I know it’s been so long since I’ve seen you

But I’ve been thinking of your life and what you do

If I saw your face again, here's what I would say:

How are you?

Where have you been?

Tell me your stories

Tell me your new dreams

I’ve thought of you from time to time

Always wished you the best with your precious life

And I don’t want to sound pretentious or vein you see

But I was wondering if you ever thought of me?


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