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Writing Circle

Writing can be lonely sometimes. I mean it's great to be with characters in the world you've created, but it does get lonesome.

It's disappointing not being able to share the highs and lows of the story with someone. I know there are people out there who don't share their first few drafts (which is completely fine), but the act of writing: sitting wherever you sit & writing on whatever device you write on, is a solo act [unless you're writing with someone - then obviously this doesn't count].

The other day I decided I need to expand my writing circle. I told myself: I need more writing buddies.

I think writers shouldn't be competitive with one another, they should be able to share their ideas comfortably (without fear that someone will steal them). And to be honest (with life in general) it all depends on who you surround yourself with.

Writers should be able to step out of their bubble and into some else's and give their fellow creative spirit a fresh pair of eyes, share thoughts & ideas, give one another feedback.

I'm lucky to have my family & my friends who let me bend their ears on the many ideas I have for characters, plots, plot holes, etc. etc. But I think I want - well, need - to be around people who know what it is to sit and stare at an empty page and watch it come to life with the words you pour out of you soul. Someone who understands the writers life and the journey that comes with it.

So I'm encouraging myself to be brave. To reach out my hand and open my stories to new writing buddies.


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