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I've got a plate-full

I have a lot on my plate at the moment. And to be fair, I put it there: I was hungry – craving achievement…

Being a creative spirit and having to work another job to be able to pay for your creativeness is hard, it’s a lot of pressure & sometimes feels like a waste of time (but we need to dough).

I remembering reading somewhere (written by a fellow creative spirit) about the importance of having that other job (the one you don’t want) so the $$$ you get from that can be the $$$ you live off (also the $$$ to help your art) because you don’t want your artistry to struggle being so dependent on it. And I agree.

We already put a lot of pressure on ourselves for our work to be the best it can be without the additional stress of money. (Yes, it is a whole new kettle of fish when you’re making squillions from your art – or at least enough to be comfortable).

So right now, I have a full plate: Work. Writing. Organising my self-publishing tasks. Social media. Etc. Etc. And it’s a lot to take, but this is what I want. I’m motivated and ready. I want to reach my goals, and taste the sweetness that comes with achieve each one…

Can’t you hear my stomach grumbling?


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