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The struggle is real.

Why is it so hard to write a blurb?

Oh that’s right, because somehow you have to condense the hours and hours and hours and hours you’ve spent writing & creating into a short, punchy, exciting & enticing few sentences…

A few tips I’ve found:

  • Read other blurbs: stick to your genre, find the best sellers list and read as many as you can. Go to a book store, or read them online.

  • First sentence is important: It’s been said that some people don’t even read past the first line, so make it impactful.

  • Cater to your audience: Use the right language, words and phrases that match what you’ve written in you novel. #staytruetoyourvoice

  • Keep it short: The whole point of a blurb is to make people want to read more! It should be between 100 – 150 words.


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