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Writing can be scary sometimes...

I’m scared for people to read my words. It really makes me unsure about the whole self-publishing process. And then it makes me question if I’m doing the right thing.

Knowing that strangers are going to read my words and form their own opinion on the hours and hours and hours I’ve spent writing the story, really freaks me out.

Doubt creeps in so easily when I get myself into a state of worrying about what people will think, and then the over-analyser in me takes the spotlight and screams:

- What if nobody likes the story?

- What if they don’t like my words?

- What if my work isn’t good enough?

- What if I become a laughing stock?

- What if? What if? What if?

I just have to keep reminding myself, that I can’t please everybody. Not everyone is going to like my words, my work, my stories. You simply can’t win that way. And I’m trying my best to be ok with all of that. Sometimes it's hard, and to be honest, I get quite close to giving up.

I know that my writing isn’t perfect. I already know I’m not the best writer out there, but writing is something that I love. It’s something that makes me happy, and so I’m sharing my stories, because if not now, when? And if not me, then it won’t be the same story.


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