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Trouble in writers paradise

Let’s be honest. Some days it’s easier to write than others. And for me, today, I’m having trouble.

I’ve lain my notes and manuscript near my laptop but I just haven’t felt a spark yet. Nothings trickled through to tickle my writing senses.

Sometimes when this happens, I wonder if I’ve lost it. If I’ve lost my writing abilities. If now that I feel this almost emptiness of inspiration, that I’m incapable… A little dramatic, I know. But it’s easier to get yourself down than it is to pick yourself up.

What I’m really trying to get at is, it’s ok that you can’t write every day. It’s ok not to feel inspired every second of the day. How exhausting would that be? Imagination & inspiration take time and energy from you.

I know it’s ok that I’ve not written anything today. And I know that because I am nowhere near ready to quit, throw in the towel, or to delete my manuscript from existence (a tear rolls just at the thought). I know that all of this is ok, because I know I’m not going to give up my writing.


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