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Internal Conversation #3

Spirit was there in the moment, so excited for the newness it brings

But Fear was speaking volumes “I’m so scared. I don’t know if We can do this”

Doubt clutched onto Fear and said “It seems so foolish, so stupid”

Heart was beating like a drum, throbbing, thrashing blood to and fro

Heart said “This is happening for a reason you know”

Doubt remained intact speaking louder than before “But maybe We’re not good enough”

“That’s not true” said Spirit “We are good enough and if we never try we’ll never know”

“This is the moment” Heart said “It’s now or never. We need to go”

Fear listened to Spirit and Heart, then dissipated taking Doubt away too

So We fell – no We flew – into something very new

Into a moment that can only make us stronger


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