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And then she began to write...

She shook her head removing her wandering thoughts. She needed a distraction. Could writing ever heal her hurting heart??

In that moment she knew she could either give in to the tears that threatened her ducts – like she had done countless times before – or she could force herself to shake away the feeling before it became too strong and she would have to give in.

Her mind was still unsure which direction to take; tears or typing.

Something came over her. A small spark of encouragement. This drove her to feel something other than the sadness she had embedded herself in.

Her face felt strange. The muscles tightened and changed into what she could only describe as a smile.

A thought sparked.

Her body tingled as the idea shifted through her body. Goosebumps spread on her skin. She decided to grasp onto the excitement. She held it for a moment. And then she began to write.


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