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Writers (what's the word?) Block

There’s nothing worse when your ideas won’t flow from your brain to your fingertips to the pen or keyboard. And there’s also nothing worse than having no idea at all, but you have an itch in your core to write something. There’s the desire in your system that’s not being met and you just, well, you just feel disappointed. Stuck. Blocked.

From my extensive research, all writers get writers block. And it’s such a relief to know that I'm not the only. Writers block is something that comes with the territory. One day you’re fuelled with ideas and feel like there’s not enough time to get everything down. And then the next day, the inspirations gone and the words don’t seem to fit right on the page.

This isn’t a blog telling you how to solve your writer’s block – there are so many articles out there, which offer more advanced advice than what I could give. But I think it’s important as a writer to share with other writers that we’re not alone on this journey.

Sure, writing can become a bit secluded and sometimes you can feel isolated because for however long you’ve been writing your story, you’re alone with your characters in this world you’ve created. You’re the only one who knows what’s going on in there. But sharing our own writing stories and experiences can help us and maybe even put us at ease.

I looked up the definition of writers block and found; the condition of being unable to think of what to write or how to proceed with writing.

It’s kind of like being trapped in a bubble and you have to figure out how to burst your way out of there.

Tricks of the trade I try;

  • Listening to music

  • Read other stories

  • Rereading my own work (maybe even just the previous chapter – it helps me get back into my flow)

  • Have a cupppa tea

It’s important not to get stuck in a rut – like convincing yourself that you’ll just check the news or your social media for a quick half an hour, because we all know that half an hour slips past a lot quicker than we think!

Sometimes the only way to get past the writing hurdle is to write, write and write some more. Having discipline & determination can get you very far.

Everyone’s different in dealing with writers block. I know I have definitely NOT mastered the remedy and I don’t believe there is one true answer because everyone functions so differently.

You’ve just got to keep on keeping on. You’ve just got to (what’s the word?) write!


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