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Delegating time is the only way to get anything done.

I have so many different story ideas (which I’ve jotted down notes for) that I fear I’ll never get to, because there doesn’t feel like enough time...

I don’t know if I’m the only one; but when I’m in a book store and there’s an entire shelf dedicated to one author and I just stand there and think ‘how did they find the time to write all of these?!’ [Now I know there are many other factors to consider ie. How long they’ve been writing etc. but still, it’s amazing and daunting to see book after book after book…after book]. Then I have to remind myself that; I have to focus on me and my writing.

Organisation is key! I know not everyone is the same, but organisation helps me.

Now I’m no expert on writing, but it’s important for me to set myself some kind of goal and also to have a time frame. I think goals are what keep us focused and make us move forward. Just like dialogue, it must move the story forward.

Time management mustn’t be overlooked or forgotten.

So what time is it? WRITING TIME, got to get this manuscript done.


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