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Writing is like MAGIC!

Writing is hard work. It’s kind of funny because writers are the ones who thrust all that baggage/pressure onto themselves. But writing a novel is tough.

It’s a challenge and you won’t understand unless you’ve tried it for yourself.

It’s one thing to start writing a novel, it’s another thing entirely to complete a draft. Even if you don’t get it published, it’s an enormous feat nonetheless. (Side note: It is important to take pride in your achievements, no matter how small they may seem)

Writing takes time, patience, courage, determination, organisation and did I say patience?

Nobody actually gets to see all the behind the scenes shenanigans: the late nights, the tears of doubt (the constant companion of uncertainty), the pages of notes, scribbles, sticky notes, cross outs, the fluctuation of feelings towards your story and writing abilities.

Nobody gets to see all the hard work you put into it before it becomes the beautifully bound peace of work.

But if you love writing (like I do) I doesn’t matter.

For me, writing is like being enveloped in magic. And for however long that moment lasts, it’s definitely worth it.


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