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Writing Journey: Finding a Literary Agent

I heard back from another literary agent today and it was another (big, fat) No.

When I saw the email in my inbox I was excited; because (obviously) it means they’ve replied. But I always find myself diluting/minimising my excitement, because before I’ve even clicked to open it, I feel/fear I already know the answer…

I’ve been told that the market is tough. Agents need to have complete faith in the book and the necessary belief to place the work with a publisher. But hearing another No (well, reading it) is just another disappointment, another notch on the belt, a blow to the confidence.

I completely understand though... Everything we do is a risk. And I know that being a first time author adds to that. Plus, I never expected this to be easy. Never in my wildest dreams did I expect to be plucked up straight away. I know this is going to take time and patience.

The entire writing process is a fluctuation of emotion and I am willing to embrace every aspect of it. Some I’ll clearly enjoy more than others, but I want to look at things positively.

This No, means I knock on another door, climb through a different window, run down the street, hop over the fence and try another door. This No, means a Yes from someone else somewhere down the line.

To know a handful of agents have read my work is actually quite exciting, especially looking back to the time I started writing and was petrified of my mum reading my first ever manuscript (I told her she couldn’t read it until I was out of the room, and I'd cringe at the thought of her reading my words, it was like I was giving her a part of me that I’d kept a secret for so long)

Over time I have become more comfortable and confident in my writing and my abilities. Sending out query letters was another scary venture, but I bit the bullet and I did. Now it’s not as scary.

I want my work out there. I want people to read it (& have all their opinions about it). Having a book (or several; I do have many ideas) on the shelves, in cyber space; having my words in the atmosphere, is probably my biggest dream/goal/ambition. And although these agents have said No (And wished me well), I will continue to send query letters until I have found ‘The One’; the agent who is ready and willing to take a

chance on me and my writing.

The world is always in need for new stories. So I shall keep fighting that good fight.


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