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Writers Thoughts: Write when it's NOT fun.

The past few weeks I’ve been terrible with my writing. I haven’t been writing as much as I would’ve liked to (or should have been).

I have this wonderful idea which I’ve written notes for, plotted, created character profiles and even written the first few chapters. Then suddenly, my inspiration and innovativeness drained from my body and my bones.

I lost direction. You could even say; I lost my mojo.

I’d sit at my laptop and I’d want to write (really). I’d have the draft in front of me, fingertips literally hovering over the keys and then before I knew it, I was searching YouTube, reading news, scrawling through social media = doing anything to stop me from writing.

Sometimes I find I have difficult chapters to write. Not necessarily the context or topic is hard to write, I just find it difficult to write out! And it sucks.

All those distractions, music, movie trailers (and now reaction videos), stunt the writing process and I know I won’t overcome that hurdle by ignoring it.

I don’t have a specific routine which has both its pros and cons [PRO: Flexibility. CON: Inconsistency].

So knowing that I need to increase my production levels, I decided to research how other writers deal with this struggle. And I found some great advice which really hit home [and also inspired me].

One part of advice that stuck with me was:

Write when it's not fun.

It’s all well and good when I’m writing and the words are flowing from my mind through my veins to my fingertips over the keyboard. It’s better than fantastic when idea after idea sparks my brain and I feel like I can’t write or type fast enough!

But I want to be a serious writer; someone who writes for a living, so I’m going to have to WRITE WHEN IT’S NOT FUN.

I know it won’t be easy. It’s a struggle to force my way out of writer’s block. But it’ll never know if I don’t try.

‘You can’t edit a blank page.’

So here I go… I’m going to WRITE WHEN IT’S NOT FUN.


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