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Don't create limitations

When we create limitations we border ourselves.

Sometimes we become so comfortable with the guards we’ve built; the walls we feel safe in, that we don’t realise the restrictions we’ve made for ourselves.

If we don’t step out of our comfort zones, then how are we to reach our full potential?

I love the phrase; Do one thing every day that scares you and although I don’t live like that religiously, I find it motivational & inspiring. It doesn’t have to be as scary as skydiving or facing one of your greatest fears, it can

be a simple as trying new foods or complementing a stranger.

It’s these types of moments that make us feel, thrive and rush with adrenaline. Things that remind us we’re

alive. Living. Breathing.

Experiencing new things, challenging yourself is how you grow; how you become stronger.

Don’t create limitations… BE LIMITLESS!


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