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I want to stop _______

‘Stop holding yourself back’ Four words, when put together, mean so much.

‘Stop holding yourself back’

It’s easier said than done.

There’s a safety, a comfort in our personal comfort zones. It’s a place where we feel protected. Secure. A place where – at times – it’s a little too risky to leave. But sometimes, we have to be brave enough to step across the line. Some risks are so worth taking. It’s in those moments of hesitation, where we have the chance to hold ourselves back.

So why is it we are so afraid to follow through on the dreams we have? Why do we let our own voice of question rule and restrict us?

We are our own worst enemies. Well at least I can say that for myself. I am also my own worst critic (although, others are pretty good at it too). I find myself wanting to do something, I plan, get excited, envision how it will be – but I stop before it can ever become something more. It’s like I mentally restrict myself from crossing the imaginary line I’ve created. Like running to a hurdle, momentum intact, steady, set and then stopping before even beginning to leap.

But I want to stop holding myself back.

I want to take those four words and I want to put them into action. I want to leap. I want to be able to say I was brave enough. Brave enough to take the risk. Brave enough to rise, to fall, to be. Because it’s in failure where we learn that’s not where we want to be, and how to change it. We learn where we went wrong and how to be better.

I’m going to stop holding myself back, because it’s when we step out of our comfort zone that we truly start to live.


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