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Soul Searching...

'You don't have a soul. You are a soul. You have a body.' ~ C.S. Lewis

Reading this quote made me sit back and think. I had to re-read it a couple of times to get my head around it, to truly understand the context. I love how so few words can have such an impact, a message, a meaning.

You don't have a soul...You have a body.

Our bodies are just the shell. The casing. The wrapper. Our flesh is the bit we coat - cover - in tattoos, make-up, pretty clothes & jewellery – making ourselves feel more at home in our skin. But is there a point of beautifying a house if no one lives there? What's the point of decorating if no one will see it? What's good about unwrapping the chocolate bar and it tasting like rubbish?

It is our souls that are the most important thing.

There is nothing wrong with wanting to look your best - because unfortunately, we do live in a world where first impressions count, and if you feel like you're dressed nice then you walk a little taller, you feel that bit more confident. But if our souls aren’t happy – we aren’t happy. And that unhappiness has a way of pouring through our pores, our cracks, no matter how polished we are.

‘You don’t have a soul. You ARE a soul. You have a body.’

So do things you love. Things that make you happy. Things that make your soul grow, sparkle & shine.


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