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Wasted Ink

Wasted Ink

Words are harmful when with a handful

There’s not good time for lies

When my pen hits paper

Familiar words fill lines

Suddenly thoughts and feelings

Surface my mind

My hand moves slowly

And I begin to write

I write it down then scratch it out

Convince myself don’t say it now

I let it go

Do I want to know the consequence of my word flow?

Words are harmful when with a handful

There’s no good time for lies

My deepest thoughts in every word

Is something you won’t observe

I write it down then scratch it out

Convince myself don’t say it now

I let it go

Don’t want to know the consequence of my word flow

I’ve changed my mind 100 times

I wrote for you 1000 lines

It’s in my heart, it’s on my mind

It will never leave, I’m stuck for life

This letter I will not send

Is all for you for my content

Words are harmful when with a handful

And there’s no good time for this

All I’ve done now is wasted ink


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