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PURPOSE definition:

The reason for which something is done or created for which something exits.

A person’s sense of resolve or determination.

Is my purpose in life to only be a Writer?

No. I don't think so...

There are so many other things that I am, that I want to be, and more which l am yet to realise.

Writing is something I LOVE. And I never want to stop doing it! When I write (either by hand, or on my laptop or make up little stories in my head) I don't feel like I should be doing anything else. Writing & creating simply makes me happy. It gives me this feeling inside, almost like when you're curled on the sofa, snuggling with a blanket drinking the best cup of tea which warms your insides - only better.

Writing is something I feel like I have to do - selfishly - just for myself. Writing is one of many things I want to do with my life.

I don’t think humans have a singular purpose for being on the planet. Our personal purpose changes as we age. It changes just like our wants and needs and desires.

To know what you're purpose is in life is fantastic. And if you're that type of person who has always known their purpose - that too is incredible. But there are so many people who may take longer to uncover their purpose(s). And that is more than ok. You're allowed to have more than one passion - more than one purpose.

I do believe that one of our purposes in life is to explore. It’s something I need to do more of. Like travel the world. Discover new places, novels, foods, restaurants. I want to push myself. Push my boundaries. I want to Live Out Loud.

As a writer I feel like I need to expand my mind and experiences to allow my writing to grow/development/improve. Allowing me to write new stories & invent new characters. Because maybe for a night, I was that person. And maybe I want to spend more time with that character, so to do that I’ll create a story and allow the words to flow from my imagination to the keyboard.

Lately I’ve been wondering how I can fit everything I want to do in this one life I have. How will I be able to fulfil all of my wants and needs and desires, my purpose(s)? I know I’ll never get to do everything. But I won’t let that stop me from following a passion of mine – even if the moment lasts for only a short while. That short moment – that little time – was purposeful.


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