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To Be Perfect, or not to be perfect

'Striving for perfection is a game you'll never win.

You're imperfectly perfect your beauty's within.'

- Rebeca Rose

I'm not perfect. Nor have I ever claimed to be. And occasionally I catch myself wanting to be something I'm not. Trying to be someone I'm not. Thus, subconsciously telling myself that I'm not good enough. Going through life like that on a loop can be (actually it IS) tiring.

Through my years on this earth I've learnt that I'm not perfect and I can easily (and somewhat proudly say) I know I'm not perfect. I also know that no one is perfect. So for me, complete and utter perfection is not a standard I aim for.

I think it's important to not let yourself stop doing something you love or living out your dream for fear you won't be good enough or it won't be perfect.

'Remind yourself that it's ok not to be perfect.'


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