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Next Step: Literary Agent

There is nothing better than getting the ‘Thumbs Up’ from your editor telling you that you should start looking for a literary agent. I was SO excited when I got that news! A big smile stretched across my face, and like someone turning on a light switch, my insides were glowing. Basically, I felt lighter. Happy. And you know what, I felt proud. Scratch that, I am proud. Proud as punch that I have written (and finished) a manuscript, and that a professional believes that my writing, my words are strong enough to be sent to a literary agent and (in time) a publisher.

I believe it’s in these types of moments you have to step back and really think about the things you’ve accomplished and how far you have come.

If you were to tell me five years ago this would be something I would be doing, I honestly don’t think I would’ve believed you.

Now I wouldn’t necessarily say that my excitement has worn off, more like, I feel daunted by my new task at hand: Searching for a Literary Agent. Now that my basic query letter & synopsis are ready, the search begins for the right agents to send it to.

This is the next step. This is the next chapter.


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