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Be my support bra!

Sometimes I think we underestimate the power of supporting one another. Do I want/need you to literally be my support bra? No! Of course not. I have enough bras in my draw thank you very much.

I searched for the definition of support/supporting and found a theme: giving & being. Almost like selflessness.

Definition = Provide encouragement or emotional help. Give assistance. Give approval, comfort, or reinforcement. Be actively interested in and concerned for the success. Suggest the truth; corroborate.

I think it’s so important that we encourage one another and build one another up. We seem to have grown up with the world telling us to compare ourselves. Therefore we judge ourselves, and others and I don’t think that’s how we should live.

What I think is important & what I hope I am doing for my loved ones is;

  • Celebrating the success of others

  • Being encouraging

  • Being a good listener

  • Making time for friends/family/loved ones

  • Being supportive

Life is about people helping people and doing things together – supporting one another. So today, be that positivity that somebody needs. Be that light – that energy of encouragement.

“Always take note of who supports you genuinely. Those people you should always keep around.”


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