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Journey to the centre of my worth

Everyone’s on a journey. Big or small. Some will be known by millions. Some will be known by few. But it doesn’t matter the quantity, just the quality.

We’re all on a journey of self-discovery and we never stop until our last breath. Maybe by a certain age we come to a centre of knowing who we are, what we stand for and what we’re willing to fight for. But life is about exploring, learning, growing and teaching.

I’ve been in a place where my confidence was shattered, I didn’t know who I was or how much I mattered. And I’m not 100% figured out yet, but it’s one step at a time.

In life they say it’s important to love yourself. It’s important to find that inner peace within yourself, to understand your worth – to understand your importance. And I couldn’t agree more.

There’s so much more growing that I want to do. And I think that fits hand in hand with the things I want to experience – like going to new places, trying new foods, meeting new people, writing & sharing new stories.

I don’t know where my journey will take me next. Or where my writing will take me next. But I do know we are all important. And it’s important to understand that for yourself.

‘Begin to understand your own self-worth.’


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