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What's your favourite writing advice?

I’ve never actually been asked this question before, but when I was doing some research I found it on a website and it got me thinking… So here is one of my favourite pieces of writing advice...


I recently had one of manuscripts copy edited. It was actually the first time I ever got a manuscript copy edited! (I printed it out & got to hold all my hard work in my two hands, and I’m not ashamed to say I gave it a bit of a hug and took a photo with it!) It marks a momentous occasion – the start of something….

A piece of advice that stuck with me was to trust my reader. I was told; there is no need to remind them of something. They are there ‘with you’ and have been paying attention the entire time.

After my writing flaw had been brought to my attention (& I re-read that story), I found that too many times I wrote a little reminder – by no means trying to annoy the reader. The truth is, I didn’t even realise I was doing it. Maybe a small part of me did. Because I’m fairly new to writing, I thought maybe just a quick reminder would help the story along. But it wasn’t needed. It’s not needed. The reader is a part of the journey.


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