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Blank Page + No Inspiration = Blank Page

‘I’ve got a blank space baby and I’ll write your… actually, I don’t know what I’ll write.’

There’s nothing worse than psyching yourself up to pour out your creativity in some way, but when the moment comes, that moment when you sit down at your desk, or on your bed and the empty page stairs back at you, and for some reason that creativeness that once stroked through your brain suddenly vanishes.

When that high – that excitement – goes away, so does the motivation.

I know I can’t be the only one who feels like this. You have moments when your soul doesn’t pour itself out onto paper, right? Right?

Sometimes I find a blank page quite intimidating. It’s emptiness screams so loudly. Like it’s mocking me; ‘Are you gonna write something already? I haven’t got all day.’

In truthfulness, there have been many occasions where I’ve plonked myself on my bed, opened up a Word Document and stared at it blankly as the curser flashed. In the moment prior, I was ready for my fingertips to touch the keys, but as soon as I see the blank page, my motivation suddenly dissipates. The ideas cement somewhere in me and I can’t release them. So then I close my laptop, defeated.

A blank page can be looked at in two different ways. It all depends on your mindset.

Option 1. The Disheartened Approach.

In this scenario your brain is locked with self-doubt and may be tainted with the disease called ‘Writers Block’. With premeditated discouragement you already know your ideas won’t flourish. So you lose the battle with the blank page.

Option 2. The Positive Approach.

Seeing the emptiness as a challenge, an adventure. Seeing it as a space ready and waiting to be brought to life. Having a mind fastened with intentional encouragement pushes you to continue on your writing journey. And this approach will get you anywhere.

From experience, I know not doing any writing is much worse than attempting something. I’ve found that when you start, the pieces of the puzzle just so happen to fall right into place. There’s a right time for everything!

So I dare you. Go and make something. Create something.

Use that blank space baby, even if you just write your name.


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