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Is there a cure for insecurities?

I’m only human, and the way the world has spun around me has resulted in the insecurities I hold. Some of them are petty. Some of them are not. Some I can easily shake away. And some of them, I’m learning to let go of.

As a writer I’ve found that my head (& my heart) continually relapse to the same thought of whether I’m good enough. The questions are always the same; Is my writing good enough? Are my words good enough to share? And, am I simply good enough?

The answers to those questions vary from day to day. If I ask myself on a good day, then yes, my writing’s good enough, good enough to share with others. Yes, I am good enough. Why shouldn’t I write and be proud of what I’ve written? But if I ask myself on a not so good day, on a day where my doubtfulness has a tight grip on me, then the answers to those questions, are answered with questions.

I think it’s only natural that we question and doubt ourselves. I think in doing so it helps us grow. There seems to be something inside us that makes us feel the need to scrutinise and keep pretending but we’ve got to let ourselves be.

That’s why I find it intriguing with what people do in their moment of doubtfulness. What do the voices inside of their heads say? How do they say it? How do they feel after it’s been said? I’m intrigued with what people do on their down days. How do their voices of encouragement make them turn it around and keep going?

I have doubts about my writing (& I know I’m not the only writer) it softens the blow to know that there are other people out there that are having the same worries. It’s just about persistence and learning to accept the good days and the bad days.

I’m learning to remind myself that although thousands of other people can write the same stories about the same themes, there is nobody out there that will write it like me. Because they have never looked at the world through my eyes (no one ever truly can). I’m learning to remind myself that I am good enough.

My dream is to one-day get my novel published. Maybe it’s my young naivety believing things will work out (even with having those doubting days), but if I know that I’ve tried, that I've given it my all, then there’s nothing more I can do (& that counts for not only my writing, but everything else I do).

The curse of worrying about being good enough is not for others to determine, but in-turn, for you to decide.

You have to know that your worth it, that you’re good enough. Once you’ve mastered that belief in yourself, no one can steal that from you.


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