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Hello World!

My name is Rebecca Rose!

Welcome to my official website! I can't actually believe that I have my very own website/blog. It's still quite surreal & might take some getting used to. But I'm here now & I'm going to go with the flow.

My dream is to one day have my novel(s) published! (& enjoyed by many). It's a big dream, and may be quite a lot to ask, but as Mum always says: 'Dream Big. Aim High.'

Every morning I wake up, roll over to one side and stare at my bedroom wall - the one holding the shelves stacked with books (a collection I am slowly working on increasing in quantity & variety). That shelf, with those books, motivate me to want to continue on this fantastic writing journey of mine. It gives me focus. Reminds me of my goal. Because I cannot wait for the day when I see MY book on My shelf.

It's all early days, but I know what I want and I know what my dreams are. So if you're reading this: Thank you. Thank you for taking the time. Thank you for support. It all means more than you'll ever know!


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