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Frequently Asked Questions

What inspired me to become a writer? 

I don’t think one specific thing inspired me to be a writer. It was a series of little things and my appreciation for words. Writing a novel (or a story of any sort) had been a glimmer of an idea lodged in the back of my mind for a while, and one day I just thought to myself: “Why not?”. Words have always been something I’ve loved, whether it be creating little poems or memorising song lyrics. I love how words can make everyone feel something different. 

Whilst looking for a job, I wanted to use my spare time wisely and decided to try and write a novel. Once I began writing, it just felt right. I fell in love with the entire process and it felt like something I'd been doing forever.

After gaining confidence in my writing, I knew that I wanted to share my stories with others and hope that someone (even if it’s just one person) would enjoy it. A few years ago, if you were to tell me that I would have my own website & be writing novels, I would’ve laughed the thought away. But I’m enjoying every second. Reading stories also inspired me. I was never a big reader when I was younger, but now that I’ve been writing, I’m reading all time and love getting lost in the novel-worlds!


How do I decide  what to write about? 

I think you know when it’s time to tell a story.

I always want to write about topics / themes that interest me, things that I can learn from & also stories that push me. I have so many ideas and they’ve all come to me in different ways (eg. right before I'm about to sleep, sitting on the train, & also if I'm being really honest: I've had some pretty good ideas on the toilet or in the bathroom). 

I’ve discovered the link between the stories I write which is the themes of ‘Friendship’ & ‘Trust’. I write young adult fiction because teenagers are inquisitive, vibrant and uplifting and are filled with unlimited possibilities.

Because writing is a mentally consuming and timely process, I always want to write about characters that I want to spend time with and be part of their story.

What is my writing routine? 

I don’t have a particular routine when it comes to writing, but I do try my best to write everyday – even if it’s just a paragraph or two. I’m an early-bird, so I prefer to start writing in the morning and write for however long I can, but I do have a day job so my writing usually starts after a day at work (some weeks I get most of my writing done on a weekend). I do find it a little hard to find the motivation to write after a busy day at work, but writing is something I love so I make time for it! 

One thing I find important is discipline. It’s something I believe you have to have if you’re serious about being a writer. I don't really like to write anywhere that's too noisy, but I like a bit of background music. I do most of my writing on my bed, stocked up with cups of tea, biscuits & chocolate. 

When I sit down at my laptop and get into my creative work, I brainstorm story lines, characters, ideas, research, write & edit. When I need a little break (maybe to get my creative juices flowing again) I listen to music.

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